“the simplest solution is almost always the best one.”
Oscam's Razor, 14th-century logician and theologian William of Ockham
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This site a a provides a sandbox for developing multiple ideas
Below are a few projects to get started
"Part of learning the basics, is reading a lot of new information."
- Bandit wargame Note for beginners:
Consider the impacts of facilitated access to information. The quickest example is the small weather feed you might have on your phone; I wanted to check the weather but I didn't have my phone on me yet I was sitting at my computer. For a few seconds I realized that subconsciously I was being too lazy to just open a browser and type literally, "Montreal Weather tomorrow" Finally I did that.. still don't have my phone and it feels great.
Spanish Modern Country House:
Archive City
A Cities Skylines city modelled after the shape seen in the Animatrix series